Starting from today we are part of Mooney, the 1st Payment and Banking Network.

Easy, fast, accessible to anyone, no more queues and an operator always by your side.

We move forward without leaving anyone behind.

*** Withdrawals, taxes, bills, payment slips, travel tickets, car tax and many other services …

Find out more …. make the right Stop.

“La Sosta Good Truck” is only 100 meters from the A14 motorway exit of San Benedetto del Tronto.

Have you always dreamt of a simpler, safer and more evolved life? Today you can.

Born from the merger of SisalPay and Banca 5, Mooney is the first italian reality of Proximity Banking & Payments which offers the chance of making those payments and transactions you have always done in a bank, nearby your home.

Watch the video we made with our closest collaborators:

Valentina (our operator)

Gino Collina (the sprightly grandfather)

Rosa Macellaro (the lady in yellow)

Ilario Capriotti (always in a hurry, by his nature)

Emanuela Maria Mattioli (Miss smile)

Sergio Dub, the post-producer

Jacopo, the eye of the camera

Ilaria, the video director